Chiropractic Care

If you're experiencing pain or restricted motion in your back, neck, or other joints, chiropractic care can help. It’s an excellent option for athletes, active individuals or anyone looking to improve their performance and overall wellness.

Our chiropractic adjustments are gentle, effective, and comfortable—safe for children, adults, athletes and older adults. These natural methods remove joint restrictions and relax surrounding muscles, restoring proper motion and promoting comfort. Whether you're dealing with an injury or seeking to maintain optimal movement, it's never too late to start living comfortably.

Types of adjustments

  • Diversified: hands-on traditional adjustments

  • Instrument assisted: use of an activator for a more gentle approach

  • Drop piece: use of segmented pieces on the chiropractic table to assist with adjustments

  • Mobilization: gentle, controlled pressure over a joint to increase range of motion

Conditions we treat:

  • headaches

  • low back pain

  • hip pain

  • shoulder injuries

  • sciatica

  • sprains or strains

  • knee pain

  • temporomandibular joint dysfunction

  • tennis/golfer’s elblow

  • whiplash injuries

  • plantar fasciitis